

Le 02/03/2013 22:54, Neustradamus a écrit :
> Hi debian www team,
> Sorry for the delay, I forgot...
> I would like the
> link in more that the Enrico changes.
> If no people change, it will be always "Jabber"...
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Neustradamus
> Le 26/01/2012 14:30, Enrico Zini a écrit :
>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 12:04:26AM +0100, Simon Paillard wrote:
>>>> I propose you:
>> [...]
>>>> private one-to-one communication, it also supports chat rooms, and it is 
>>>> used
>>>> in the XMPP network as well as for the IM capabilities for the Google Talk
>>>> network.
>>>>     In contrast to other IM networks like MSN, ICQ or AIM, the XMPP servers
>>>> are free software and can be used to create a private chat platform or have
>>>> an own server to connect to the XMPP network.
>>>>     Link: Link:
>> Thank you Neustradamus and Simon.
>> Indeed the meaning of Jabber/XMPP has changed since that description was last
>> taken from Wikipedia. I am lazy and I like reusing content, so I prefer to
>> track Wikipedia with tag descriptions.
>> I'd keep the tag name as protocol::jabber for now, as changing a tag name is 
>> a
>> rather heavyweight thing; however I agree that at some point protocol::jabber
>> should probably become protocol::xmpp, especially as more non-chat software
>> will appear that use XMPP.
>> Here is the patch I committed, let me know if it sounds reasonable:
>> --- a/debian-packages
>> +++ b/debian-packages
>> @@ -1858,18 +1858,20 @@ Description: IRC
>>   Link:
>>  Tag: protocol::jabber
>> -Description: Jabber
>> - The Jabber protocol is an instant messaging protocol on the basis of the 
>> - protocol. Additionally to private one-to-one communication, it also 
>> supports
>> - chat rooms, and it is used in the Jabber IM network as well as for the IM
>> - capabilities for the new GoogleTalk network.
>> - .
>> - In contrast to other IM networks like MSN, ICQ or AIM, the Jabber servers 
>> are
>> - free software and can be used to create a private chat platform or have an 
>> own
>> - server to connect to the Jabber network.
>> - .
>> - Link:
>> - Link:
>> +Description: XMPP
>> + Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open-standard
>> + communications protocol for message-oriented middleware based on XML
>> + (Extensible Markup Language).
>> + .
>> + The protocol was originally named Jabber, and was developed for
>> + near-real-time, extensible instant messaging (IM), presence information, 
>> and
>> + contact list maintenance.
>> + .
>> + Designed to be extensible, the protocol today also finds application in 
>> VoIP
>> + and file transfer signaling.
>> + .
>> + Link:
>> + Link:
>> Ciao,
>> Enrico

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