Hello other Debian-www people,
  My contribution to the Debian website has been less and less and the
months and years go by.  As a result I have decided that I'll retire
from working on the Debian website.  It is really a formalty as I've not
contributed much for quite some time.

In the nearly 14 years I've been in this task I've seen the website and
Debian in particular grow. We started off with Jay, who then added three
of us to help out[1] and now I'm not too sure how many we have here, but
its far more than 4!  It is knowing that the website and the associated
structure are well looked after by a group of enthusiastic people that
I can step down, knowing the Debian website will still be updated with
or without me there.

This doesn't mean at all I'm removing myself from my other Debian duties
at all, just this one.  I'd also like to thank everyone during my time
working on the website, its been a pleasure and special thanks to Jay, 
Dwarf, Joy and Alfie.

So, I'm not sure exactly how to get of webmaster aliases etc but I'm
sure there is a way!

 - Craig

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-www/1998/08/msg00006.html
Craig Small VK2XLZ   http://enc.com.au/          csmall at : enc.com.au
Debian GNU/Linux     http://www.debian.org/      csmall at : debian.org
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