English is not something I list on my resume, though I'm an English
speaking American.  Please assist with your own interpretations...  If I
though it was good it's listed below, many of the longer descriptions
may need a re-write.

1. Break the page up into 3 sections based on level of involvement or
skill(for lack of a better word).
As a "Net-New" User   /* Needs nothing */
Debian Labor              /* Much learning necessary */
Debian Development  /* Master of the known universe */

2. Add "Help Debian keep Work-Needing and Prospective Packages updated
with fresh and new content."
3. TBD: same as 2 for favorite features.
4. Add "Auditing of copyright/licensing information."  Please help me
with this!
5. Add "Following up on bugs related to copyright/licensing
information."  Please help me with this!

Patch attached.

Thank you.

Index: english/intro/help.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/intro/help.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 help.wml
--- english/intro/help.wml      11 Apr 2010 13:38:53 -0000      1.11
+++ english/intro/help.wml      22 Mar 2012 02:41:06 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 #use wml::debian::template title="How can you help Debian?"
-<p>If you are considering helping in the development of Debian GNU/Linux
-there are many areas in which both experienced and inexperienced users can 
+<h2>As a "Net-New" User</h2>
+<p>New users can start right away, even with out installing or intending
+to use Debian.  Though it's a good idea to at least try it once.</p>
 # TBD - Describe requirements per task?
 # such as: knowledge of english, experience in area X, etc..
@@ -14,13 +16,34 @@
 the bugs associated with packages you use and provide further
 information, if you can reproduce the issues described in them.</li>
-# TBD - link to users mailing lists
-# Translators, link directly to the translated mailing lists and provide
-# a link to the IRC channel in the user's language
-<li>If you are an experienced user you can help other users through 
-the <a href="";>user mailing lists</a> or
-by using the IRC channel <tt>#debian</tt>.  For more information on support 
-and available sources read the <a href="$(HOME)/support">support 
+<li>Help Debian keep track of your favorite applications in the
+<a href="$(HOME)/devel/wnpp/">Work-Needing and Prospective Packages</a> 
+# TBD - favorite features
+# Currently I'm unaware of a place to suggest "Better support for socks5"
+# <!-- <li>Help Debian keep track of your favorite features in the... lists.
+# <a href="$(HOME)/devel/wnpp/">Work-Needing and Prospective Packages</a> 
lists.</li> -->
+<li>You can help with the development of the <em>public</em> face of Debian and
+contribute to the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/website/">website</a> or by 
+helping with the organisation of <a href="$(HOME)/events/">events</a>
+<li>You can <a href="$(HOME)/donations">donate equipment and services</a> to 
the Debian project so that 
+either its users or developers can benefit from them.  We are in constant 
+for <a href="$(HOME)/mirror/">mirrors worldwide</a> our users can rely on and
+<a href="$(HOME)/devel/buildd/">auto-builder systems</a> for our porters.</li>
+<li>Help Debian promoting itself by talking about it and demonstrating it to 
+<h2>Debian Labor</h2>
+<p>Debian is always looking for help and there are some areas where just being
+a worm body ready to learn new things is the perfect starting place.</p>
 # TBD - link to translators mailing lists
 # Translators, link directly to your group's pages
@@ -33,6 +56,42 @@
 language.  For more information read the <a
 href="$(HOME)/international/">Internationalisation pages</a>.</li>
+# TBD - try and use English here.
+# I didn't even write most of this, it was provided by Jonathan Yu
+# It was just not written to be part of this webpage.
+<li>Auditing of copyright/licensing information: ensure that the metadata
+stored in debian/copyright is correct. This can be very difficult to do as
+sometimes code is taken from other sources by upstream developers without
+attribution.  This is of particular interest where an ITP has been filed and
+a new package exists, but has yet to be vetted by the ftp-masters.</li>
+# TBD - try and use English here.
+# I didn't even write most of this, it was provided by Jonathan Yu
+# It was just not written to be part of this webpage.
+<li>Following up on bugs related to copyright/licensing information: for
+cases where an ITP/RFP has been filed, but where copyright information is
+not clear from the source data, file a bug report with the upstream
+developers, or alternatively, ping the upstream developers in case the bug
+has been overlooked. Possibly spend some time investigating alternative bug
+trackers that the upstream developers may use instead, or their personal
+e-mail addresses.  Taking careful note to ask first, we don't want many ppl
+all at once taking this initiative.</li>
+<h2>Debian Development</h2>
+<p>If you are considering helping in the development of Debian GNU/Linux
+there are many areas in which both experienced and inexperienced users can 
+# TBD - link to users mailing lists
+# Translators, link directly to the translated mailing lists and provide
+# a link to the IRC channel in the user's language
+<li>If you are an experienced user you can help other users through
+the <a href="";>user mailing lists</a> or
+by using the IRC channel <tt>#debian</tt>. For more information on support 
+and available sources read the <a href="../support">support pages</a>.</li>
 <li>You can help maintain applications that are already available in the Debian
 GNU/Linux operating system, specially those you use much and know about, by
 contributing fixes (patches) or additional information in the <a
@@ -47,11 +106,6 @@
 Project</a> or by contributing at the <a href="";>Debian
-<li>You can help with the development of the <em>public</em> face of Debian and
-contribute to the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/website/">website</a> or by 
-helping with the organisation of <a href="$(HOME)/events/">events</a>
 <li>You can help porting Debian to some architecture you are experienced with
 either by starting a new port or contributing to existing ports.  For more
 information see the <a href="$(HOME)/ports/">list of available ports</a>.</li>
@@ -60,13 +114,6 @@
 valuable for Debian and become the maintainer for those packages.  For more
 information read the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/">Debian Developer's 
-<li>You can <a href="$(HOME)/donations">donate equipment and services</a> to 
the Debian project so that 
-either its users or developers can benefit from them.  We are in constant 
-for <a href="$(HOME)/mirror/">mirrors worldwide</a> our users can rely on and
-<a href="$(HOME)/devel/buildd/">auto-builder systems</a> for our porters.</li>
-<li>Help Debian promoting itself by talking about it and demonstrating it to 
 <p>As you can see, there are many ways you can get involved with the project

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