Hi David,

> So what is the point of fixing the source if the generated file is
> correct (WML source file are not meant to be XML valid)? It's one of the
> WML feature to fix those details. Please note that we have a daily run
> to check the validation of every pages, and translation coordinators get
> a mail when there is something to fix.
>       http://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/validate/
>       http://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/tidy/

Because other anchor tag's href attribute values in the document are
quoted, even if generated file is valid. I'm not intend to change the
WML format bases. My suggestion is just like a refactoring.

AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke
AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <i38w...@yahoo.co.jp>

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