Severity: wishlist mentions that Debian won "Best
Open Source Server Distribution" and "Outstanding Contribution to Open
Source/Linux/Free Software" at the Linux New Media Awards 2011.
There are 2 links, but none allows to verify that.
The hypertext link links to our own press release about the event, which
does not have any link to Linux New Media. This in itself could be
considered as being the problem.
The other link is to Linux New Media, but it's to their homepage ( ). And unfortunately, I couldn't find an
archive of awards on their website. The confirmation I did find was via
their Linux Magazine website: should link to
. I suggest to replace the link to Linux New Media's website with one
pointing to that. But note that I find it far from obvious that the
images are links.
By the way, our page says we won the Linux New Media Awards *2011*. But
their page says the awards given *at* CeBIT 2011 were for the *2010*
Linux New Media Award. However, the image we use also says 2011. So I
don't know which one is right.