Hi James,

On Mi, 11 ian 12, 16:20:09, James Bromberger wrote:
> Package: www.debian.org
> Severity: wishlist
> Dear Maintainer,
> I email consulta...@debian.org asking to be added on December 3 2011, 
> and January 4 2012, and have had no response and see no update to the 
> page. As a Debian Developer for >10 years, it would be nice to be 
> listed here.

We could very much use help with
1. dealing with the huge backlog
2. implementing a more automated solution for dealing with such requests

> It may be worth checking the rest of the URls listed ot ensure the 
> organisations still exist.

This is being done by Giussepe Sacco and is also planned for the more 
automated solution mentioned above.

Kind regards,
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