---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: LinkedIn <customer_serv...@linkedin.com> Date: Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 11:12 AM Subject: Congratulations on creating your new LinkedIn Group! To: mike stefko <ibuzzpr...@gmail.com>
LinkedIn Hi mike, Congratulations on creating your new LinkedIn group! *Saving peoples homes* http://www.linkedin.com/e/-26v3a8-gruqbm3s-3b/vgh/4062486/<http://www.linkedin.com/e/-26v3a8-gruqbm3s-3b/vgh/4062486/eml-grp-sub/> To get started, click the "Manage" link on the My Groups<http://www.linkedin.com/e/-26v3a8-gruqbm3s-3b/myg/eml-grp-sub/>page to invite users, approve or decline requests to join, and edit information about your group. Need help with your group? We invite you to browse the FAQ.<http://linkedin.custhelp.com/> Send me an email for each new discussion ยป<http://www.linkedin.com/e/-26v3a8-gruqbm3s-3b/snp/4062486/true/grp_email_subscribe_new_posts/> Sincerely, LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/