Your message dated Sat, 2 Apr 2011 22:11:18 +0300
with message-id <20110402191118.GA8404@meissa>
and subject line role of update-cd has been 
has caused the Debian Bug report #557312,
regarding clarify role of update-cd
to be marked as done.

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--- Begin Message ---
Severity: wishlist

The faq:

In the sub-topic: What are the "update"** CDs?
"...You only need to download either the update CD or the normal CDs, not both!"

Version: (I'm not sure of version number - but the English data was displayed 21-November-2009)

The 'not both' statement is misleading.
You do need both - the first for the 'base' and the second for the update.
The update does not contain the contents of the original.
And in the case of CD#1, the update won't boot.

See problem report #555845.

1) Delete the statement:"You only need to download either the update CD or the normal CDs, not both!"
 2) Add a statementconcerning when the Update CD/DVD should be loaded, e.g.
During the install process, the update CD/DVD can be loaded after the regular cd.
     After the system is booted, the updated cd can be added with:
             # apt-cdrom add

Perhaps include a reference to (Adding a CD-ROM to the sources.lst file)


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Thanks for your report.

This issue has been resolved by the following:

Index: english/CD/faq/index.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/CD/faq/index.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.89
diff -u -r1.89 index.wml
--- english/CD/faq/index.wml    31 Mar 2011 16:58:49 -0000      1.89
+++ english/CD/faq/index.wml    2 Apr 2011 19:00:21 -0000
@@ -178,37 +178,40 @@
 # ============================================================
 <toc-add-entry name="update-cd">What are the <q>update</q>
-<p>Update CDs are CDs which contain all the packages that changed
-between the rev0 and a later revN release of the current stable
-distribution. For example, if you already have the full set of 3.0rev0
-CDs, you can use the <q>update-3.0rev2</q> CD to turn this 3.0rev0 set into
-a 3.0rev2 set.</p>
-<p>This type of CD is intended for vendors having large amounts of
-pressed rev0 CDs (which makes them cheaper than individually burned
-CDs). If you order CDs from such a vendor, it is possible that you
-receive CDs for a slightly older revision, plus an update CD for the
+<p>Update CDs/DVDs are CDs/DVDs which contain all the packages that changed
+between the zero micro version number (e.g. 5.0.<strong>0</strong>, 
+etc) and a later point release of the current stable distribution. For 
example, if you already
+have the full set of debian-6.0.0 CDs/DVDs, you can use the 
"debian-update-6.0.1" CD to turn
+this debian-6.0.0 set into a debian-6.0.1 set.</p>
+<p>This type of CD/DVD is intended for vendors having large amounts of
+pressed zero micro version number CDs/DVDs (which makes them cheaper than 
individually burned
+CDs/DVDs). If you order CDs/DVDs from such a vendor, it is possible that you
+receive CDs/DVDs for a slightly older point release, plus an update CD/DVD for 
 latest revision. This is a perfectly acceptable way of distributing
-Debian on CD.</p>
+Debian on CD/DVD.</p>
-<p>Of course, this type of CD can also be useful to you as an end user;
-instead of creating the full set of CDs for each new revision of a
-release, you only need to download and burn one or two update CDs for
+<p>Of course, this type of CD/DVD can also be useful to you as an end user;
+instead of creating the full set of CDs/DVDs for each new revision of a
+release, you only need to download and burn update CDs/DVDs for
 your architecture.</p>
-<p>You only need to download <strong>either</strong> the update CD
-<strong>or</strong> the normal CDs, not both!</p>
+<p>Note that update CDs/DVDs are not meant to boot, they just contain the
+packages needed to upgrade an existing installation. If you don't have
+that existing installation, then you'll need to use the normal
+installation CDs/DVDs. After the new system is booted, the updated CD/DVD can 
be added with
+<code>apt-cdrom add</code>.</p>
 <p>Now, what if for some reason you do not want to download the update
-CD even though you already have the full set of CDs for the previous
+CD/DVD even though you already have the full set of CDs/DVDs for the previous
 revision? In this case, you should consider using <a
-href="../jigdo-cd/">jigdo</a>'s <q>update</q> feature: jigdo can read the
-contents of the old CDs, download only those files that have changed
-for the new CDs, and create the full set of new CDs. Still, it will
+href="../jigdo-cd/">jigdo</a>'s "update" feature: jigdo can read the
+contents of the old CDs/DVDs, download only those files that have changed
+for the new CDs/DVDs, and create the full set of new CDs/DVDs. Still, it will
 have done this by downloading only about the same amount of data as
-for an update CD.</p>
+for an update CD/DVD.</p>
 # ============================================================

--- End Message ---

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