On Lu, 14 mar 11, 21:38:39, David Prévot wrote:
> Hi,
>   As you may already be aware of, a script is run (every four hours) on
> www-master to spot validation errors [1], so we can keep up with the
> website quality.
>       1: http://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/validate/
>   Thanks to the help of many people recently, this list that used to be
> a bit huge, went down to zero a few months ago, and some of us keep
> track of this page in order to fix errors as soon as they are spotted.
>   Simon proposed (as a joke) to send an automatic mail to people who
> breaks the validation. I actually find this idea quite nice, and will
> probably set something to be pinged by mail if a new error comes up. I
> wonder if other people would be interested. We could send for example a
> daily mail to the coordinators of translations if a validation error is
> spotted in the language they handle. we could also send a mail to the
> last person who committed a faulty file.
>   That said, Holger, if you read me so far, thanks in advance if you
> could fix the MailingLists index page [2] ;-).
>       2: http://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/validate/de

+1 from someone who broke the site on a few occasions (amp, now 

I'd very much like to be notified of my breakages and additionally 
anything under


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