
I would be up for writing some instructions and what not for the site. I
also can do some design work if needed. I'm not sure where to start, but
this thread sounded like a good place.

Let me know.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Paul Powenski <>wrote:

> I would like to try Debian but to be honest you documentation goes from the
> ridiculously simple - to how about what debian 6 dvd is the latest since
> there are 8 of them with NO indication as to why there are 8 - then nothing
> to help you understand what you need - to the most techincal information
> that only a hardened debianite could use.
> Just tried in the past and if you only want heavy dedicated and only
> debians use why don't you just say so since the regular i.e. centos user
> cannot make much sense without spending alot of time figuring out what is
> what.
> just a simple message like there are 8 dvd's here and 8 is stable or up to
> 6 is stable.
> this is just such a mess.....
> sorry to be so critical but honestly just a simple text to say what is
> going on would be a huge help
> --
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