Hi there!

On Wed, 09 Feb 2011 11:28:35 +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> * Luca Capello <l...@pca.it> [2011-02-09 11:15:13 CET]:
>> NB, I would live this bug as open, but tagged wontfix instead of closing
>>     it, so other people can see it and not submit a new one.  I did not
>>     do that, however, given that it is up to the WWW team ;-)
>  We can consider that if there will be a repetion, otherwise it just
> rather clutters the overview page for triaging effort (yes, of course,
> wontfix can get filtered out from that, but still ...)

Fair enough, and we also know that not all bug reporters check existing
bugs before...

>> On Wed, 09 Feb 2011 10:50:48 +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>> >  Please see the FAQ: <http://wiki.debian.org/KallesDesign#FAQ>. This was
>> > discussed and tried before and didn't turn out too well -
>> Thank you for the pointer, unfortunately the image linked there is a bit
>> too small to have a real idea of the problem.
>> BTW, if is OK if I add a link to this bug just after the FAQ entry?
>  It's a wiki. ;)

I know, just to be sure it was OK to put a reference there and not in
the comment section, anyway, done:


>> My main concern is that the white space is IMHO disturbing and probably
>> it should filled with some degrading effect, e.g. <http://debian.ch/>?
>  Erm, you are hopefully aware that debian.ch does work even worse for
> smaller widths because of its dependency on a fixed width, meaning that
> people would have to scroll horizontal?

Mmm, I have never checked that on anything smaller than 800 pixels (on
the Nokia N900 sounds OK with no horizontal bar), but what I wanted to
suggest was to add a degrading effect similar to the top bar.

I will prepare an example and come back with the code ;-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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