On Wed, 20 Oct 2010, Peter Palfrader wrote:

On Mon, 18 Oct 2010, Asheesh Laroia wrote:

So -- this patch makes the abandoned CVS repository more useful.

Which patch?

This one. (oops.)

Dear debian-admin: I explain to people there that they can find the team
on IRC and suggest they read http://dsa.debian.org/. Does that sound



-- Asheesh.
cvs diff: Diffing .
RCS file: /cvsroot/webwml/db.debian.org/README,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -r1.3 README
< The stuff that was here moved to the ud-ldap-cgi git in November 2009.
> The stuff that was here moved to the userdir-ldap-cgi git in November 2009.
> You can get it this way:
>  $ git clone https://db.debian.org/git/userdir-ldap-cgi.git/
> It is maintained the Debian System Administrators team. If you want to
> make changes, please do! Once you clone that repository, look for a
> file called README.
> We can be reached by IRC on #debian-admin on irc.debian.org and by email at
> debian-ad...@lists.debian.org.
< Peter Palfrader <wea...@debian.org>
> Peter Palfrader <wea...@debian.org> and Asheesh Laroia <paulprot...@debian.org>
cvs diff: Diffing template
cvs diff: Diffing template/debian

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