I used to run Etch but foolishly decided to "upgrage", to Lenny. I was so 
sorry. Lenny runs slowly, refused to play any standard Dvd, refused to let me 
install any new downloaded packges for it, refused to let me install the Lenny 
codecs needed for dvd playback, and took up a whopping almost 4 Gigabytes of 
disk space on the tiny 6 gigabyte hard drive I had, and refused to let me have 
the multimedia keys to run practically any mulitdmedia operation. In short it 
is a HUGE HUGE dissapointment.

And this Etch nonsese has me now looking in the future to another Linux format, 
Ubuntu or something.
Taking down EVERY SINGLE repostitory that Etch was  mirrored on was beyond 
paraniod, it is acting like Apple and Microsoft with the issues they have over 
"Control" of the software and releses.

Lukily for me I have the Etch 4.0.6 on CD and was able to uprgrade again from 
Lenny back to Debian Etch and I am quite happy. NO FLASH SUPPORT, None, nada, 
but that is about the only shortcoming I had have with Etch, that and the 
Iceweasal update slows the connection down and causes it to be insconsistant.

In short my CD's will soon wear out, and with the Etch Bann you have for 
whatever reasons, I will be forced to switch to Ubuntu or another Linux.

You could keep me as a supporter if you put the Etch biniaries back up, but 
since you have done such a good job SRUBBING the internet of Etch, I am 
doubting you will.

It makes me feel like starting an Etch mirror my self, just out of need and 
rebellion against whatever silly reason Etch was banned by Debian to begin with.

MY intput, and I hate to remove support, but with the Lenny and Etch politics 
as they stand now,
well it's been nice but the supporters and customers move on to products then 
need and can use.

If there were security issues with Etch then don't baby us supporters, we can 
make our own minds up about security ant the risks we take, and have the right 
to choose wich version of Debain fits us best. This control nonsense over Etch 
is silly. Remember, control is something Microsoft and Apple love to exercise, 
not Linux.


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