Hello Mehdi,

Am 2009-04-27 21:11:44, schrieb Mehdi Khan:
> Dear Sir,
>          I live in Sweden and did not find any Vendor who have the Debian
> 5 Lenny So I decided to buy from other country.

Thats weird, because there are three vendors listed:


OK, recheced the Vendors and:

    1)  LinuxsShop.nu
        has only 4.0r0 DVD and CD i386/powepc

    2)  OKIT
        Is this website in a Dial-Up?
        I have an internet (backbone) connection of 100 MBit and
        the website loads slower then a 14400 BpS Modem and then
        parts of the site are timed out

    3)  Wermlandsdata
        has only 4.0r3 DVD i386

Debian-Team:  Please can you do something with the three Vendors?
              The offerins/Sites are not serious.

> I bought new
> Debian 5 Lenny package (5 DVD's) from India vendor( Linux Bazar )
> on 7th April 2009. I emailed him four Times about when I going to
> Receive my DVD's. They always send me mail they were unable to
> download the DVD's. On there website they have written they
> already have the Debian 5 Lenny DVD's

Maybe the next time you should buy from an european country if you  live
already here.

> They cheated and lied  on the website that they have the DVD's of Debian 5.
>  I am still waiting when they will send it from India :(

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
<http://www.tamay-dogan.net/>                 Michelle Konzack
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<http://www.flexray4linux.org/>               50, rue de Soultz
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