On Sun,26.Apr.09, 10:54:16, Giuseppe Sacco wrote:
> Il giorno dom, 26/04/2009 alle 10.58 +0300, Andrei Popescu ha scritto:
> [...]
> > I am one of the current maintainers (the only one left?) of that list.  
> > May I suggest starting with pending requests first as there are some 
> > since... last year :( If the mails are not available anywhere I could 
> > send my Maildir to you.
> I don't have such list and I couldn't find either. Please send to me
> only mails you cannot manage to process. Should I edit consultant.data
> or should I do anything more?
Editing consultant.data is enough, but selecting emails is not 

$ ls Maildir/.debian.consultants/new/* | wc -l

(some 10% is spam though)

> > Also you need to be added to the consultant@ alias and please set 
> > consultant@ in CC and Reply-to on all mail.
> Who should I ask for? debian-ad...@lists.d.o?

I think Joey (Martin Schulze) can do it.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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