Department of Computer Science & Engineering Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram, Tamilnadu , India
Educational Institution In our Department Debian is used among 4 systems and it provides a wonderful support to the students for their project . We use the following servers NFS ,DNS ,ftp. Debian is also used for surfing the net . Easy upgrade , security are the added advantages -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean. -- ****************************************** R.Bhaskaran Assistant Professor Center for Advanced Research Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram - 637408 ******************************************* M-9629826666 *******************************************Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram. Tamilnadu , India
Educational Institution
In our Department Debian is used among 4 systems and it provides a wonderful support to the students for their project . We use the following servers NFS ,DNS ,ftp.
Debian is also used for surfing the net .
Easy upgrade , security are the added advantages