On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 04:11:08 +0900 (JST)
fcho...@netbeans.jp wrote:
> I was a volunteer for the FSF Compliance Lab Team, so I did try my best to
> avoid any GPL violation. Hopefully they can vouch for my beliefs in Free
> Software.

 So, why there is NO explain about copyright violation made by Nihonsoft for
 Mandrake distribution and misunderstanding about GPL and GGPL, yet. I've never 
 seen that. Are there any pages or mails for that?

 You did try your best, okay that's good, but how about Nihonsoft's founder, 
 Souhei Abe? I doubt that he understands what is the copyright, license and 
 free software... (Am I too worried about this?)


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.or.jp/iijmio-mail.jp

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