Am Dienstag, den 20.01.2009, 08:59 +0100 schrieb Frank Lin PIAT:
> On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 02:33 -0500, ARKADII KAPLAN wrote:
> > how i can fix the deb file extension ? my regards.
> This mail looks like spam, to promote the domain of the recipient.

 Uh? In what way would that promote a domain? There is no single URL in
the mail?

> (I often have the impression that people ask dumb question to actually
> promote link in page footer...).

 But there were no links at all in the mail, I can't follow your
conclusion at all. The question might sound dumb to you but some people
just don't know it better - and calling them (indirectly) dumb doesn't
help neither.

> What should be done is such case?

 If you don't feel like answering it then just don't.

 So long :)

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