Calvary greeting to you in the name of our Saviour
The Members of all Souls for Jesus Christ have appealed to concern individuals, 
co-operate bodies in the diasporal to come to our 
aid as the numbers of Orphans in our Church has risen to two thousand,three 
hundred and five, Hence we seek for your assisstance of 
anykind.{(For it is written in the book of matthew 7vs7 says Ask and it shall 
be given you,seek and ye shall find,knock and it 
shall be opened onto you.likewise vs 8 says for everyone that asketh receiveth 
and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh 
it shall be opened)}. 
We does this (ASK) onbehave of the orphans in our Church. 
 In second corinthians 9vs7 (GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER).No man trade with God 
and loss. (Luke 6vs38.. Give and it shall be given 
unto you,good measure,pressed down and shaken together and running over,shall 
men give into your bosom.for with the same measure 
that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again" says the Lord.
Brothers and sisters in Lord your assistance is highly needed,these appeal is 
not in anyform composory but neccessary to make life 
meaningful to the Orphans.
It is also written in book of ACTS 20vs35 saying I shewed you all things,how 
that so labouring ye ought to support the weak and to 
remember the words of the Lord Jesus,how he said,it is more blessed to give 
than to receive"
Thanks and Remain bless in Christ Lord Jesus(AMEN).
Yours in the Lord
Pastor mike david
For: all Souls for Christ.
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