
Am Sonntag, den 07.12.2008, 03:09 +0100 schrieb Frank Lin PIAT:
> I have written a small script[1] to compare the list of packages
> provided by two distributions. I've had such idea for a while, but I
> must admit that Nokia's matrix[2] deserve some credit.

 lool, almost same time. I announced my first version of an extremely
similar script although already on saturday:


> I wrote the script having in mind that the list could be linked/attached
> to the release notes.

 I wrote mine to make it useful for backports tracking - thus it does
only list packages that actually exist in etch-backports, not
non-existing. :)

> The generated file is html, and isn't translatable, but that should be
> trivial to change, if you think it worth it. Just let me know.

 Same here. ;)

> The script can still be improved:
> - for removed packages: add link to release-manager's reasons for
>   dropped packages + bug.
> - for new packages: link to ITP.
> - for new packages that actually replace an existing one, mention it.
> - Process non-free repository, so packages moved from main to non-free
>   aren't considered as "removed", but marked as non-free.
> ... it would be sensible to rewrite the script in perl/python before
> implementing those features... If the lists prove to be useful. (That's
> probably going to wait for Squeeze).

 My script is done in perl already and propably could be a useful ground
for the rewrite. About your mentioned improvements: How would you
reliable extract the RM and ITP bug reports (if any), and replacing
informations? That's the most tricky part and propably not really
automatable - so I'd work with an external "hint" file/database.

 So long. :)

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