Dear Sparc porters, There is a broken link on as described by the bug below:
On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 10:52:08AM +0100, Miguel Gea Milvaques wrote: > Package: > Severity: normal > > The link "the SPARC buildd web pages" that points to > is broken. Could you please give us the replacement link for that ? ? I've attached the current wml file for this page so that you can easily provide us a patch. Thanks and best regards. -- Simon Paillard
#use wml::debian::template title="Debian SPARC -- Porting Documentation" NOHEADER="yes" #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/ports/sparc/" <h1>Debian SPARC Porting Documentation</h1> <h2>Porting Debian Packages to SPARC</h2> <p> If you want to be an official porter, you must be a registered Debian developer. That is, your public key must appear in the official keyring. <p> The Debian SPARC porting effort is now organized around the excellent <code>wanna-build</code> system, first used for the <a href="../m68k/">m68k</a> port. With <code>wanna-build</code> in place, porting boils down to locating the packages where automatic compilation failed, and then going though and determining what went wrong. <p> Failed build logs can be found at <a href="">the SPARC buildd web pages</a>. Also, you can email <code>wanna-build</code> and ask it for the failed build logs (see the file <code>README.mail</code> from the <code>wanna-build</code> distribution). <p> <code>quinn-diff</code> output, which includes a report of packages by distribution which are out of sync in for the SPARC port can be found at <a href="">\</a>. <p> Serious porters should learn how to interact with <code>wanna-build</code> via email. You'll need to ask <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]></a> to add your public key to the known list of keys. <p> All Debian developers can use Debian's <a href="">auric</a> and <a href="">vore</a> machines to test their packages on the SPARC architecture. <h2>I'm not an official developer; can I still help?</h2> <p> Certainly. In fact, most of the real work in a Debian port requires not official status, just knowledge. There are a number of things you can do: <ul> <li> Track down bugs, and report them to the <a href="$(HOME)/Bugs/">Debian Bug Tracking System</a>. <li> Figure out patches for known bugs. Be sure to submit the patch to the Bug Tracking System! <li> Help with documentation. Most documentation areas are managed under CVS, and most documentation authors can give out CVS access to non-porters who are interested in helping. </ul> <p> So, go ahead and email <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"><[EMAIL PROTECTED]></a> with a description of how you'd like to help; we're sure someone there can get you started. # <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file # Local variables: # mode: sgml # sgml-indent-data:nil # sgml-doctype:"../../releases/.doctype" # End: # -->