Am Freitag, den 21.11.2008, 14:26 -0700 schrieb CVS User tille:
> Update of /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/devel/debian-med
> In directory gluck:/tmp/cvs-serv14568
> Modified Files:
>       debian-cdd.css dental.wml device.wml doc.wml drugdb.wml 
>       his.wml other.wml pharma.wml physiotherapy.wml practice.wml 
>       record.wml research.wml veterinary.wml 
> Log Message:
> s/Debian-Med/Debian Med/

 If this is considered to be the proper name for the project now,
without the dash, can you pretty please *not* annoy all translators with
the requirement to update their languages in big style but also fix it
in the translations?

 Or do I understand something wrong here?

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