On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 09:39:49PM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> > the Debian website contained two nearly identical copies of the Debian
> > Social contract. That's why http://www.debian.org/social_contract.1.1
> > got removed and the current version can be found in
> > http://www.debian.org/social_contract.
> Why wasn't this done in a way that would have kept existing translations 
> of version 1.1 valid?

This happened! Version 1.1 can be found at 
This page is already translated into many languages and these are *not*
affected. But this file wasn't translated for Dutch.
> I.e:
> - first copy 1.1 unchanged for _all_ languages to new location and update
>   translation comments (or keep old English version for new document)

Please note that no rename happened, one superfluous file just got removed.

> - then make wanted changes in new document

No changes happened these days.

> - finally remove the 1.0 and 1.1 documents

1.0 still exists.
> IMO that would have made things much more transparent and a lot less worlk 
> for translators.

Only recently we noticed that two copies of version 1.1 were committed. This
is useless and requires two translations. You dealed with the wrong one
(the Hebrew translator too) :-(
> You are now forcing me to jump through hoops and do extensive checks to 
> see that I've not missed anything to resurrect the Dutch translation 
> while the actual changes are minor.

Please note that the old existing Dutch translation was outdated as well.
Just update it and integrete a few addiional changes and you're done.
> Not amused!

Be happy that we noticed the problem. The removed translation wasn't used at all
as no page linked to social_contract.1.1.


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