* Simon Paillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-06-29 22:09:33 CEST]:
> 21:50 < CIA-4> debian-www: kreutzm * 
> webwml/english/News/weekly/2008/01/index.wml: Remove superflous whitespaces 
> after full stop
> 21:50 < CIA-4> debian-www: kreutzm * 
> webwml/english/News/weekly/2008/02/index.wml: Remove superflous whitespaces 
> after full stop
> 21:51 < CIA-4> debian-www: kreutzm * 
> webwml/english/News/weekly/2008/03/index.wml: Remove superflous whitespaces 
> after full stop
> 21:52 < CIA-4> debian-www: kreutzm * 
> webwml/english/News/weekly/2008/04/index.wml: Remove superflous whitespaces 
> after full stop
> 21:59 < CIA-4> debian-www: kreutzm * webwml/ (4 files in 4 dirs): 1.8 Remove 
> superflous whitespaces after full stop
> 22:00 < CIA-4> debian-www: kreutzm * webwml/ (4 files in 4 dirs): 1.10 Remove 
> superflous whitespaces after full stop
> 22:02 < CIA-4> debian-www: kreutzm * webwml/ (5 files in 5 dirs): 1.10 Remove 
> superflous whitespaces after full stop
> 22:03 < CIA-4> debian-www: kreutzm * webwml/ (2 files in 2 dirs): 1.7 Remove 
> superflous whitespaces after full stop
> 1/ Two whitespaces after full stop are correct in english !!

 And even when there is discussions going on wether it might not be
needed - it gets rendered in HTML as one space. There is *no* need for
those changes.

> 2/ Un the case there would be a english specific pb, smartchanges *MUST* be 
> used to avoid :
>      * disturbing translators for nothing
>      * the risk of outdating translation

 /Even/ when smartchange is used there it might disturb translators for
nothing. Not all translations might be up-to-date, people might be
subscribed to changesets.

 Sorry, but whitespace changes is the most useless change that I have
ever seen in bigger commits. Please. Do. Not. Do. It!

> So, that would be very nice of you to avoid this kind of commit :) (that
> IMO includes commits to the english version only for esthetic code like
> using <q> and so on)

 Exactly, even if you feel like it, leave those things to decisions from
the l10n-english regulars - and I don't see the need for such changes
before any decision and roadmap with respect to xhtml compliance has
been taken, thanks.

 So long, and thanks for the annoyance...

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