Hi Oz,

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 03:35:49PM +0300, Oz Nahum wrote:
> >And I committed the initial stuff for Hebrew into CVS.
> Thank you very much. How long does it take before it appears on the
> servers that there is hebrew?

IIRC the build happens every 4 hours. Please check that you find this
information somwhere below devel/website/ (probably in desc) otherwise
add it to your TODO list which you should later share with us.

There will probably no change on the Debian website without a
translation. The stuff I copied from you in the PO files will be used
on translated pages in the mirror combo box and in the footer. Without
any translation nothing will happen. See the CVS for details (are you
comfortable with it?).

Please note that I did not commit about.wml. I could do so but it is
important that you learn it yourself :-) So please send us this file
and also the CSS file.

It is possible that the Hebrew statistic page will show up soon.
Nevertheless I assume we have to add "hebrew" to some config files.
I'm also sure there are still some minor problems. It is very likely
to forget adapting/committing soem files. Let's see ...

> As I said before, I don't think I can do more then 20 min a day. But
> my next step will be to translate directly the wml files.

OK. I suggest to start with PO files as this information is shared
between many pages (header, footer, ...). I estimate that 20 min per
day could result in one file per week. If you do it for a year or longer
you will beat many other languages (Arabic has only 4 translated files,
Armenian 1, Esperanto 2, ...).

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