Dear Colleague,

It is my pleasure to inform you that also Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of 
International 18th DAAAM International Symposium and 1st European Young 
Researchers and Scientists Conference are included in Index to Scientific & 
Technical Proceedings (ISTP/ISI Proceedings and ISTP CDROM/ ISI Proceedings) of 
Thomson Scientific - Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)
ISI Proceedings provides Web access to bibliographic information and author 
abstracts from papers delivered at prestigious international conferences, 
symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions. Available via ISI 
Web of KnowledgeSM, it also includes powerful searching and linking 
capabilities. More about ISI Proceedings you can find at

The calls for papers are announced for:

1) DAAAM International Scientific Book
DAAAM International Scientific Book is very successful project. If you want to 
present your research project and newest results as a chapter of DAAAM 
International Scientific Book 2008 - you are welcome. All chapters of the book 
will be crossreferenced and available on internet - you are welcome. Status: 
Call for Manuscript. At the time the DAAAM International Scientific Book in 
evaluation process at Thomson Scientific for the including in category “cc 
books” The abstracts of DAAAM International Scientific Book 2006 and 2007 are 
available on ! Status: Call for Manuscripts!

2) Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference (ISI Proceedings!)
We are supporting the development of the next generation of researchers and 
scientists for that reason we are organized very successful 1st European DAAAM 
International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference, last year. This 
year we are organising the 2nd European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ 
and Scientists´ Conference which will be held parallel to the 19th DAAAM 
International Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation", at Slovak 
University of Technology Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, 
Trnava, Slovakia, 22-25th October 2008! If you are young researcher or 
scientist, or you are the supervisor of young researcher or scientist - this is 
your conference! Status: Call for Papers

3) The 19th DAAAM International Symposium (ISI Proceedings!)
The 19th DAAAM International Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & 
Automation", will be held at Slovak University of Technology Faculty of 
Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, Trnava, Slovakia, 22-25th October 
2008! The papers will be published Annals of DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of 
the 19th International DAAAM Symposium which in ISI Proceedings! Status: Call 
for Papers

4) DAAAM International Journal of Simulation Modelling
Call for Manuscripts

5) 1st International Conference "Vallis Aurea" web site:

6) 2nd DAAAM International Specialized Conference on Additive Technologies: web 

Our partner KHS Company is seeking Graduate Engineers (male/female) info flyer 
you can download from at!

New photo galleries and reports are uploaded! Young researchers and Scientists 
are welcome!
If you want to be involved in one of our activities, as member of one of our 
international committees please let us know!
I am looking forward to see you papers for Symposium and/or manuscripts for 
Scientific Book soon.

All relevant information you can find and download from

With best regards from Royal Vienna.

Branko Katalinic
Professor Dr. mult. h.c. 
Branko Katalinic
President of DAAAM International
TU Wien, IFT-IMS, Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien, Austria - Europe
Phone: 0043-1-58801-31121
Fax#: 0043-1-58801-31199

PS If you don't want to get information about DAAAM International activities, 
please send us the empty mail to the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks!

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