Hi Frans!

You wrote:

> > I've actually solved in in more or less the same way, with as main
> > difference that in the final two steps of thw workflow are done
> > automatically from a post-commit hook.  This seems to work very well,
> > for as far as I've been able to test it.
> Could you elaborate a bit on this? I'm not that familiar with post-commit 
> hooks, but I'm having problems seeing how this would work.

Well, the smart-update puts a placeholder in the header (where normally
the revision number would be).  In the post-commit hook, a script then
checks out the files that were changed in the commit that triggered the
run of the hook.  It replaces the placeholder by the actual revision
number (which is known at this time in the commit process), and creates
a new commit of the same files.  

The actual code might be somewhat clearer than my explanation, so
I've put the actual postcommit script at

Hope this makes things a bit clearer.


Kind regards,
Bas Zoetekouw.

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