At the bottom of, where the various translation languages are listed, it says:
中文 (Zhongzu,简) The "zu" there is wrong. It should be "wen", to match the Chinese character. A possible alternative is "yu", which is probably what the person who romanized it intended: that would be a synonym, although technically it doesn't match the corresponding Chinese character. Full explanation: the first character, the one with the vertical line all the way through it, is "zhong", which is correctly romanized. The one to the right of it is "wen", but colloquially one could use the word "yu" instead of "wen", and probably "zu" is a typo for "yu". I'd recommend just changing "zu" to "wen". Very minor bug, but on the other hand, very easy to fix. :-) Note that there may be other pages with the same problem; in IRC, abrotman says that other pages have this problem, and specifically pointed to at least these: (the latter page has the problem twice). Best, -Karl Fogel