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On 23-10-2007 19:23, Salokine Terata wrote:
>>      That's really nice. I have a few comments:
> Thank you very much. I have inserted and merged your comments in 
> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianWikiConventionsDiscussion

        You are welcome. Thanks for merging it. :-)

>>    The translation should use the subdirectories approach, similar to
>>    PortugueseBR, it makes it easier to build consistency (same page names)
>>    and allow easier integration with some sort of tool in the future like
>>    po4a.
> So there are currently 2 main suggestions:
> Suffixed method: "PageName" + "Language" like DebianIntroductionFrench
> Prefixed method: "Language" + "/" + "PageName" like 
> PortugueseBR/DebianIntroduction
> I don't know what's the best way. You suggest that "Prefixed method" is the 
> best for using with PO. Why ?

        Because it is the natural way considering all other translations,
we use it in Debian Women Wiki, we use it in CVS webwml, D-I Manual,
Debian Doc CVS, there is always subdirectories with the other languages.

> Could you give us Internet ressources where I can find arguments about this ? 

        Sorry, I can't. That's my argument based on my experience with
i18n/l10n. I can tell you that it is more consistent with the Name
Space, because it doesn't polute it, FrontPage will always be FrontPage,
doesn't matter the language, probably, build statistics and l10n tools
on top of this models would be easier, considering po4a and this model.

> I'm interesting by this point because I think (like you) that's very 
> important for the evolution of DebianWiki.

        IMHO the <PageName><Language> was a natural extension of the
wiki model and an inheritance from wikis that doesn't support URLs
that looks like folders.

        There is another point that need to be considered that is
related with the Content Negotiation, MoinMoin supports it in some
way and it probably needs to be considered while defining the
recommended procedure for Debian Wiki.

>> I like the PortalProposal but I think it has a better chance to
>> get adopted if you really map the current FrontPage to the Proposal, or
>> is it your intention to drop all the links?
>  Yes, the goal is to keep all existing links on current FrontPage. These 
> links 
> will are move in the appropriate portal. For this moment, PortalProposal is 
> an example. The beginner domain is the most update example and play the 
> reference role.

        Nice, probably once it is ready it has a great chance to
become the new default. Thanks for your work on this.

        Kind regards,
- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
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