Hello everybody, I have a few ideas about improving the Debian website.
l'd like to talk about the homepage, but these ideas can be applied to the whole website. This homepage is ugly. Why ? 1/ There is too many informations on the homepage : when a visitor comes and wants to get Debian, he needs to see clearly where he can get the lastest version of Debian. Thus, I believe that the "Getting starterd" can be removed, and replaced by a simple box "Get Debian" which leads to another page with a simple list of choices. 2/ The news are not easily reachable on the website : there is only a little list of events and news with a title and a date. This is NOT enough. We need to display the news in the top of the homepage, with a good summary. 3/ Althought security advisories are important, we can afford to put them on a separate page (with of course a link on the left menu). 4/ I think that the two menus must be synchronized : the first on the top would give the main parts of the website, and the second would give a more precise view of a part. Best regards, -- Grégoire Duchêne.