Gustavo Franco wrote:
> On 3/16/07, Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi.
> >
> >(...)
> >On the other hand it would be nice to test something like that
> >anyway so people can perhaps use this method for other tasks
> >(redesign anyone ;) ?).
> Hi,
> Redesign and tests to move into svn? :-) I can setup a vserver on a
> fast machine, give access and help with anybody that know way more
> than me about the website internals and cvs layout starting this
> Sunday.

Please define the problem you have with the current CVS setup
and explain how this is fixed with using Subversion.  A move just
because you like svn more than cvs doesn't sound right to me.  Fwiw.

> Closing, just a vague idea but maybe it would be good to test into
> Couldn't we add something like
> mozilla that suggests a download based on the browser information ?
> (eg.: If i log into the page using my ibook, show my only the ppc
> images available and a link to the others). Thoughts?

This requires active pages, which until now is not supported since we
depend on static HTML files.

Re modern design and stuff: Please define problems with the current design
and propose improvements.  This has been asked all volunteers who wanted
to apply a complete redesign of the web pages.  The smaller the changes
the easier they can be applied and the more likely it will be that they
will be accepted.



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