Hello, today I connected to irc and I saw someone with nickname
"walkery" joining a mirc scripting channel. His host was
"haydn.debian.org". I was like WTF, why would some debian developer
want to join this channel. He pretends to be a debian developer but I
just wanted to announce you, here are some logs:
* walkery (~fckidentd@haydn.debian.org) has joined #mircscripting
* X sets channel limit to 74
<stefys> :o
<stefys> debian.org
<stefys> walkery, are you a developer for debian ?
<eXcelsior> shit
<eXcelsior> ban him
<stefys> lol
<stefys> maybe he really is a developer for debian ^_^ :D
* walkery (~fckidentd@haydn.debian.org) has left #mircscripting
>walkery< CTCP VERSION
<stefys> lawl
<stefys> -walkery- VERSION mIRC v6.16 Khaled Mardam-Bey
<eXcelsior> :P
<eXcelsior> damn autojoin..
<stefys> lol
<stefys> it was yours ?
<eXcelsior> yeah
<stefys> :/
<stefys> are you using hacked boxes ?
<eXcelsior> who? me?
<eXcelsior> nope
<stefys> lol
<stefys> then you must be a developer at debian
* stefys doubts
<eXcelsior> yes i am.. sortta..
<stefys> oh yes
<stefys> you love linux so much that you chose to be a developer for debian
<stefys> but you are using windows
<eXcelsior> yeah
<eXcelsior> my modem doesnt work on linux
<stefys> you would know to fix it
<eXcelsior> yeah, i`m lasy
<stefys> yeah sure
<eXcelsior> it`s /dev/zapp or /dev/CDMA
<eXcelsior> but i gotta change teh video card drivers first
<eXcelsior> and i`m too lasy
Sorry for bothering you if he really is a developer for debian.
It's me again, sorry for bothering again, eXcelsior admitted that he's using a hacked box, so I suggest you take his rights from the server, he said he used some public exploit, so he's a script kiddie. Please e-mail me back if/when you have taken any measures. I hate script kiddies :)