Martin Schulze wrote:
> > the /doc/manuals/debian-reference webpage has no index.html file, while
> > the package debian-reference has one - maybe someone with admins rights
> > could copy that over?
> > 
> > Is this the right newsgroup/mailing list for this message? I thought of
> > using the BTS first, but didn't know which "package" would be the web
> > site...
> > 
> > Please CC me if you answer on this, as I'm not subscribed to this list,
> > and also don't browse this newsgroup that often.
> I would be willing to continue debugging this, but currently I have the
> problem that I am unable to locate the source for this manual.

Kudos to Alfie, we have located the source.

It should be fixed in CVS now and should be fixed on the web page
after the next lessoften run.



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