what about adding something like:
 <p>Thank you for your interest in working on the Debian web
-site. Due to the size of Debian and that the developers
+site and helping the debian-www project. Due to the size of Debian and that 
the developers
 are all volunteers, we have broken most tasks into more 

and maybe debian-www in the title to the index.wml file?
Its really hard to find this website on google if you dont know
that its not called debian-www on the website. If you search for
debian-www you wont find this site. debian+website will return the
correct site but I (and I think many others will to) searched for debian-www
cause of the list name.
Kind regards
P.S. CC me, I am not subscribed.

Nico Golde - JAB: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG: 0x73647CFF
http://www.ngolde.de | http://nion.modprobe.de/blog/
Forget about that mouse with 3/4/5 buttons -
gimme a keyboard with 103/104/105 keys!

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