El miércoles, 26 de julio de 2006 21:53, Frans Pop escribió:
> Maybe we should do an official call for artwork through DWN or something.
> If we do that now, chances are we'd have something nice _before_ Etch.
> We could also specify what a set would have to include (e.g. front/back
> covers for both CD and DVD + a wallpaper?) and quality (resolution,
> required elements).

        If someone writes to debian-project (or maybe other list that I do not 
with this issue and send a note to Joey, it will appear in DWN, definitely.  
The diffusion would be great, then.

        Best regards,

Non. Je suis la belette de personne.
                -- Amélie (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain).
Desarrollador de Debian
Debian developer

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