RSS Feed for DWN

I've seen that somebody has included the RSS feed for DWN by damog in
Planet Debian.  I really wonder why this still hasn't been integrated
in  I found a mail from March on this subject.  Hence,
I've sat down and wrote a converter on my own that will also be able
to cope with translations of DWN.
Do you mind me applying the following patch and importing the attached
program that'll generate the RDF files?

The script uses fake URLs (non-existing anchors) so that RSS
aggregators are not confused but following a link will point to the
the issue on our web server.

Room for improvements:
  . the program could use gettext to display 'Debian Weekly News'
    properly translated
  . the program could use the release date instead of the issue number
    by using the date spelling function in the templates directory

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/News/weekly/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -p -r1.42 Makefile
--- Makefile    14 Nov 2003 01:11:47 -0000      1.42
+++ Makefile    21 Jun 2006 08:31:01 -0000
@@ -176,7 +176,20 @@ ifeq "$(LANGUAGE)" "zh"
        $(TEMPLDIR)/weeklynews/footer.wml $(GETTEXTDEP)
+       if [ -f $(shell cat 
+           $(shell cat $(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/$(CUR_DIR)/CURRENT-ISSUE-IS)/index.wml 
-nt \
+               dwn.$(LANGUAGE).rdf ]; then \
+           $(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/$(CUR_DIR)/; \
+       fi
+all:: dwn.$(LANGUAGE).rdf
+install:: dwn.$(LANGUAGE).rdf
 # Generate the mail for posting to debian-news. Requires the web page already
 # be updated.
+.PHONY:        dwn.$(LANGUAGE).rdf



This is GNU/Linux Country.  On a quiet night, you can hear Windows reboot.

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.
#! /usr/bin/perl

# dwn-to-rdf - Convert the current DWN issue into an RDF file
# Copyright (c) 2006  Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.

# Caveat: In order to filter out security updates language maintainers
#         need to adjust the regular expression $headline !~ /()/ below.

use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::RSS;

# Extract the charset from $LANGUAGEDIR/.wmlrc
sub charset
    my $charset = 'iso-8859-1 xxx';

    if (open (F, "../../.wmlrc")) {
	while (<F>) {
	    $charset = $1 if (/^-D CHARSET=(.*)$/);
	close (F);
    return $charset;

# Extract the current issue
sub current_issue
	chomp ($_ = <F>);
	close (F);
    return $_;

my $current = current_issue;
my $rdf = 'dwn.' . $ENV{LANGUAGE} . '.rdf';
my $url = '' . $current . '/';

sub rdf_add
    my $rss = shift;
    my $count = shift;
    my $headline = shift;
    my $body = shift;

    $body =~ s~\$\(HOME\)~;
    $body =~ s/\\\n//g;

    # Conversion for the content
    $body =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
    $body =~ s/</&lt;/g;
    $body =~ s/>/&gt;/g;

    $rss->add_item (title       => $headline,
		    description => $body,
		    link        => $url.'#'.$count,

my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '1.0', encoding => charset);

$rss->channel (title          => 'Debian Weekly News',
	       description    => 'Debian Weekly News '. $current,
	       link           => $url,

my $count = 0;
my $headline = '';
my $body = '';
if (open (F, $current . '/index.wml')) {
    while (<F>) {
	if (/^<p><strong>(.*)<\/strong>\s*(.*)/) {
	    $headline = $1;
	    $body = $2."\n";
	    chop ($headline) if ($headline =~ /\.$/);
	} elsif (/^<p><strong>(.*)/) {
	    $headline = $1;
        } elsif (/^(.*)<\/strong>(.*)/) {
            $headline .= ' '.$1;
            $body = $2."\n";
            chop ($headline) if ($headline =~ /\.$/);
        } elsif (/^<p>(.*)/) {
            $body = $1."\n";
	} elsif (/(.*)<\/p>/) {
	    $body .= $1;

	    if ($body !~ /(newpkg_main|<code>wnpp-alert<\/code>|href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]")/ &&
		$headline !~ /(Security\ Updates|
			       Aktualisierungen\ zur\ Systemsicherheit)/x) {

		if (!$headline) {
		    rdf_add ($rss, $count++, 'Debian Weekly News '.$current, $body) if ($count == 0);
		} else {
		    rdf_add ($rss, $count++, $headline, $body);

	    $headline = $body = '';
	} elsif (length) {
	    $body .= $_;
    close (F);
# fill file

$rss->save ($rdf);

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