Hi, Tolimar informed me that several CD vendors that we list on <http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/> are not reachable by the links we provide.
Somebody[tm] should check the links below that have caused a problem accessing. For some addresses it is clear that the site vanished or that the orientation of the address has changed. Since webwml/english/CD/vendors/vendors.CD is maintained by Craig and not by the CVS repository, updates should probably be sent to Craig. Is somebody volunteering? A first step could be to remove all those vendors whose hosts are not reachable. Then check those with a 404 response whether they are still interested in Free Software and distributing Debian etc. Here's the full report checking 451 urls ... http://acinfo.hu/linux.html not found (404) http://cheapiso.com/default.php?manufacturers_id=10 not found (404) http://cypla.com/nux/ not found (404) http://cypla.com/nux/nuxar-en.htm not found (404) http://debian.fsn.hu/~risko/cd.html timed out connecting to host http://debianvendor.org/ not an http link "debianvendor.org Coming Soon!" not a Debian vendor http://fastdiscs.com/ not an http link "fastdiscs.com is having technical difficulties..." http://fastdiscs.com/debian_gnu_linux/ not an http link "fastdiscs.com is having technical difficulties..." http://gorfou.fr/ not an http link http://gorfou.fr/debian-cd/ not an http link Doesn't look like a Debian vendor http://kapcoweb.com/operating/ not found (404) http://kapcoweb.com/ doesn't like a CD vendor http://kapcoweb.com/operating/debian/ not found (404) http://kapcoweb.com/ doesn't like a CD vendor http://kedaicd.com/gnu/linux/debian-3-1a-sarge-3cd-/prod_7.html not found (404) Broken link, seems to distribute Debian still, though http://linux.ceynet.net/ could not find ip address http://linux.co.cr/cds.php not found (404) http://linux.mejokj.com/ not an http link http://linux.webcindario.com/debian/ not an http link http://linuxcentral.com not an http link http://qwert.cz/linux/ not found (404) http://qwert.cz/linux/cd/ not found (404) http://starlinux.net/productos/?cat=Dist_Linux_Oficiales&id=Debian not found (404) http://v2.obsidian.co.za/cds/ not found (404) http://webs.advance.com.ar/kosciuk/naxos/ not found (404) http://www.0-bits.com/ not an http link http://www.Linux-CD.cz/ not an http link http://www.LinuxBazar.com/other.html not found (404) http://www.atilon.com/ timed out getting host ip address http://www.atilon.com/citius/ timed out getting host ip address http://www.bsd-systems.co.uk/ timed out getting host ip address http://www.celticlinux.worg.ie/cdindex.htm not found (404) http://www.compuquick.es/ timed out connecting to host http://www.conostix.com/products/debian/ not found (404) http://www.consoleworld.nl/consoleworld/bestellen.htm not found (404) http://www.consoleworld.nl/consoleworld/index.htm not found (404) http://www.copyleft.co.nz/discs.html not found (404) http://www.dataclub.fi not an http link http://www.debian.am/buy.php timed out waiting for data http://www.deremate.com.ve/accdb/viewitem.asp?IDI=8572788&sh=1 not found (404) http://www.deremate.com/cacique_ccs/ not found (404) http://www.devolus.com/debiancd.html not found (404) http://www.dragontechnology.com/gnu-linux not found (404) http://www.drfloppy.co.nz timed out connecting to host http://www.easthk.com/debian/ not found (404) http://www.eq.uc.pt/laca/debian/ not found (404) http://www.frikibytes.com could not find ip address http://www.frikibytes.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=66 ... could not find ip address http://www.gnu-india.org/hurddist.html not found (404) links to Free Software Foundation - India http://www.golinux.co.uk/ no status. Will try GET method http://www.golinux.co.uk/distro-debian.html no status. Will try GET method http://www.lankum.com/ not an http link http://www.linsoftindia.org/ malformed status line http://www.linsoftindia.org/product.html malformed status line http://www.linux-net.com.ar/cdroms.html not found (404) http://www.linux34.com/ timed out waiting for data http://www.linuxbh.net/catalog/ could not find ip address http://www.linuxbh.net/debian.html could not find ip address http://www.linuxbutikken.no/produkt/distribusjon/debianbox.php3 not found (404) http://www.linuxmall.com.br/linuxcds.html could not connect to host http://www.linuxopensource.com.mx/ could not find ip address http://www.linuxperten.dk/bestil_cd.php3 not found (404) http://www.linuxsoft.com.ar/product_info.php?products_id=32 not found (404) http://www.mabivil.lt/debian not found (404) http://www.midnightsoftware.co.uk/products.php?dist=18 not found (404) http://www.mynasoft.com/orders.htm not found (404) http://www.park.nom.za/swdtech/ not found (404) http://www.park.nom.za/swdtech/debian not found (404) http://www.perugroup.com/debian/ not found (404) http://www.rainbowcomputech.com/ timed out waiting for data http://www.rainbowcomputech.com/index.php?cPath=2_20&filter_id=6 timed out waiting for data http://www.systemdisc.com/debian-gnulinux-m-23.html not found (404) http://www.telug.it/pgmarket/ not found (404) http://www.trassare.com/ could not find ip address http://www.trassare.com/debian.html could not find ip address http://www.welstand.six.pl could not find ip address http://www.welstand.six.pl/debian.html could not find ip address http://www.xplinux.com/Linux/Debian%20Linux.htm not found (404) http://www.xsolutions.co.nz/linux/debian_linux.htm could not find ip address http://www.xstore.se/html/search/search.html?SEARCHWORD=debian not found (404) found 373 urls: ok ----- 23 urls: moved permanently (301) ----- 46 urls: moved temporarily (302) ERROR 1 url: could not connect to host ERROR 11 urls: could not find ip address ERROR 2 urls: malformed status line ERROR 40 urls: not found (404) ERROR 3 urls: timed out connecting to host ERROR 3 urls: timed out getting host ip address ERROR 4 urls: timed out waiting for data warn 2 urls: no status. Will try GET method warn 12 urls: not an http link Linklint checked 451 urls: 373 were ok, 64 failed. 69 urls moved. 17 hosts failed: 24 urls could be retried. Regards, Joey -- Never trust an operating system you don't have source for! Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]