On Thursday 06 April 2006 16:27, Sebastian Hahn wrote:
> I was referred to http://people.linux.org.tw/~chihchun/cddp/www/
> MailingLists/unsubscribe by google to unsubscribe a mailing-list.
> When using the form, it tried to redirect me to http://cgi.debian.org/
> cgi-bin/subscribe.pl, which does not exist. Please send me an e-mail
> as soon as this is fixed or provide me with a different URL I can use
> to unsubscribe (it is probably still a good idea to remove/fix the
> broken page)

Don't use google for basic stuff like that.
A better method is:
- _read_ the footer that is added below _every_ listmail that is sent for
  the Debian mailing lists;
- go to http://lists.debian.org; I'm almost sure you will be able to find
  your way from there.

As we do not maintain the website Google "sent" you to, we obviously 
cannot fix the link.

If you do want to use Google, please learn to use better search terms.
"debian lists unsubscribe" gave me perfect top hits.

Sorry for being somewhat sarcastic, but you really should have been able 
to figure this out yourself instead of wasting our time.


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