El lunes, 13 de marzo de 2006 15:05, Pedro Josÿffffe9 Duque Guzman escribió:
> There's a problem with a documentation link in the Spanish version of the
> web so that I can't download the reference guide in Spanish language. I'm
> really interested in downloading it.

        Hola, Pedro. Por favor, indícanos el enlace que no funciona. Tu 
es demasiado genérica.

        Hello, Pedro. Please, point to the URL that does not work. Your 
was too generic.

        Un saludo/Best regards,

- You were at 4,000 degrees Kelvin! You were approaching supernova!
- Sweet!
- No, not "sweet"! That's the heat of the sun!
- You could kill yourself, other people, and burn up the atmosphere, ending
  all human life as we know it.
- Got it. Supernova bad.
                -- Susan and Johnny Storm, and Reed Richards (Fantastic Four)
Desarrollador de Debian
Debian developer

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