A Special Trusts & Trustees Supplement

In our February 2006 issue we will be publishing a full colour supplement 
focusing on the BVI trust law and practice. We will publish articles from 
practitioners in the BVI to produce a comprehensive, authoritative 
supplement analysing trusts and associated instruments, which will be 
relevant to our readers and at the same time, offer the BVI a serious 
promotional vehicle.

We invite participation either via an article, some ideas are listed below, or 
via a Corporate Profile outlining any areas of particular expertise a 
business might provide. 

Trust companies in the BVI - legislative framework and regulatory and 
supervisory landscape (impact of recent cases & legislation). 

Using trusts with investment structures (structuring investment schemes 
using trusts & companies). 

Practical issues involved in trust accounting (duty of care, software etc.). 

Portfolio management - responsibilities and risk management (Standard of 
care of trustees measuring investment performance). 

Attacking/defending a trust against claims. 

Beneficiary's & others rights to information: confidentiality. 

Litigation: Analysis of recent cases. Has the growth in trust litigation 
the BVI? 

Courts role in the variation of trusts. 

Matters under consideration (legislation).  Creditors rights, investment 
power and protectors. 

Fund administration in the BVI. 

The IBC – the use of IBC’s with trusts. 

Vista trusts – advantages & comparisons with other trust legislation.
The above subjects are only guides and ideas for other subjects can be 

The supplement will be sent out with the main TRUSTS & TRUSTEES 
journal and all articles will be uploaded to our website library and linked 
from a The BVI Trust Review button on the home page. This is 
considerable exposure as our site currently attracts 250,000 visitors per 
month and goes way beyond educating and informing the professional, but 
allows anyone access to our content. This attracts many types of people 
with an interest in trusts and exposure to these non-professionals can be 
valuable. As with all marketing in this industry, the best way forward is to 
showcase expertise and as a platform The BVI Trust Review can offer 
considerable reach.

Trusts & Trustees prides itself on the quality of it’s editorial content and 
every effort is made to ensure that the professional integrity of our 
contributors is never compromised. Please find details of the packages 
offered below.

a.         1 page article (700 words)                                           

b.         2 page article (up to 1400 words, which can 

include a full or half –page advertisement/profile)                          

c.         3 page article (up to 2100 words, which can

            include a full or half –page advertisement/profile)              

d.         Articles above 2100 words                       Please contact to 

For a profile (opposed to an advertisement) you will be asked to provide 
either a written overview of the firm or provide us with information, so we can 
compile this. We can include images and photographs. A full proof will of 
course be supplied before any publication, and you will have full editing 

All firms contributing will receive a complimentary banner on our website.

You will receive 50 copies of the supplement with any of the above.

TRUSTS & TRUSTEES is the worlds leading journal and is read by over 
15,000 people worldwide.  As the industry becomes more sophisticated, so 
TRUSTS & TRUSTEES likes to analyse the implications of the changing 

I look forward to your reply and do hope you are able to contribute.  I am 
sure this issue will be well received and offer our readers the definitive 
publication on trusts in the BVI. 

Please let me know if you would like to see previous special features we 
have done on other jurisdictions.

Best regards

Richard East
T&T Group of Companies
The Mill Office
Wendens Ambo
Saffron Walden
CB11 4JX
Tel: +44 1799 542292
Fax: +44 1799 541972

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