El Jueves, 14 de Julio de 2005 07:45, Salvatore Bonaccorso escribió:
> Hello
> There is a "Layout" Problem on the Webpage
> http://www.debian.org/security/2005/dsa-753
> Just after "Fixed in:", the links to the deb-
> packages, original-tar.gz's and so one aren't
> formatet "properly".
> I hope it was apropriate to report a such a
> "small" problem.

        Hello, Salvatore. That was not a small problem. It is fixed now, so in 
a few 
hours, the pages will be rebuilt and will show correct information. Thank you 
for your report.

        Best regards,

What was that, honey? It was bad. It had no fire, no energy, no nothing.
 So tomorrow from 5 to 7 will you PLEASE act like you have more than a
 two word vocabulary. It must be green.
                -- DJ Ruby Rhod (The Fifth Element).
Debian developer

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