El Jueves, 7 de Julio de 2005 23:25, Matt Kraai escribió:
> Please add a comment to the English version asking translators to do
> so.  Also, it might be helpful for translators to link to an email
> address where people can report problems in their own language.

        Hello, Matt.

        Done. This is the diff:

--- english/po/templates.pot    25 May 2005 20:55:38 -0000      1.40
+++ english/po/templates.pot    8 Jul 2005 08:25:55 -0000
@@ -262,6 +262,11 @@
 msgstr ""

 #: ../../english/template/debian/footer.wml:5
+# TRANSLATORS: Please make clear in the translation of the following
+# item that mail sent to the debian-www list *must* be in English. Also,
+# you can add some information of your own translation mailing list
+# (i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) for reporting things in
+# your language.
 msgid "To report a problem with the web site, e-mail <a 
href=\"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">debian-www@lists.debian.org</a>.  
For other contact information, see the Debian <a 
href=\"m4_HOME/contact\">contact page</a>."
 msgstr ""

        Best regards,

 Why is a cow? Mu. (Ommmmmmmmmm)
Debian developer

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