On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 01:27:17PM +0100, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 07:54:58AM +0100, Denis Barbier wrote:
> > Here is an updated patch.  It will surely be applied on Thursday,
> > but before that I will duplicate current templates files so that
> > nm.debian.org does not get affected by these changes.  We did not have
> > time yet to check that they do not break nm.d.o and this is not trivial.
> > Martin, could you please check if these changes have no bad impact on
> > nm.d.o?
> Given the small "userbase" of nm.debian.org, can't we just apply
> it and fix problems then?

Fine by me, Cc'ing Martin to ensure that he is aware.

> For me, it seems non-trivial to set up a good testing site (because of
> all the used databases). Since the webwml group has CVS write access
> to the newmaint files you or me surely could quickly fix any problems.
> In case of really grave problems we surely get a webmaster to do an
> instant rebuild, too.

I just updated newmaint/Makefile to copy debian.css into $(TARGETDIR),
we can apply the patch and see what is broken.  Jutta can help fixing
CSS bugs after 20:00 CET (IIRC, I did not log our IRC conversation),
so this patch could be applied before 15:24 CET, but unfortunately
I am at work then and can not commit.
Jutta will be busy tomorrow, and we did not want to stress Joey today,
can you (or someone else) please commit this patch on Thursday?


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