Am Mittwoch, 29.09.04 um 10:50 Uhr schrieb Frank Lichtenheld:
Ok, I probably misformulated the question a bit. Lets try again.
Can you make the source code and the source data for your program
available somewhere? So one can get an idea of how it works and how
it fits into the current infrastructure.
Seems I have to clarify a bit more, what makedict does.
The program itself is to be found at
In this dir, there are also the config file .makdictrc and the sources
for the dictionaries (simple text files).
What does the program?
makdict takes simple text files with entries delimited by "::". and
makes files for dictd and html pages for different languages out of
those files.
For the Debian dict there are three sorts of files and pages:
- dward (the Debian Women Acronym Dictionary) witch Acronyms, we
already collected.
- debian multilingual dicts with translations from and to English for
some languages
- debian-glossary with monolingual dicts that are references to the
meaning of phrases and words.
In the configuration one can have one main language and several other
languages. For each language there is created a set of files. In the
html page entries from the dward.$lang.html are linked to entries in
the bilingual dictionary of $lang, where entries are linked to entries
in the glossaries, if exist.
Beside the pages and dict files for dictd, the program creates lists
for each language with missing entries (if already translated in
another language) and lists of the variables used for text entries
like "back to top", the links to other dictionaries or the titles for
the pages. This helps translators to get in work.
The program (perl) may be used for other dictionaries. Debian specific
is only the content I, women from Debian-Women and others collected.
To add languages is rather simple: They must be added to the config
file and if not source files with entries are available, they must be
created with "touch" (my be done automatically by the program, but not
yet included). Then on next run there will be the missing.$lang.txt and
the file with variables. Both of them can be edited and the variables
later added to the config file (seperating the language related parts
from config file could be an other todo for the program).
The original program was written to have a photo-dict on one of my
sites. It was done, because I did not want to change html pages
manually on new entries. When I joined d-w, I thought, it would be a
good idea to add features to have a dictionary for Debian Women as
there was none on the Debian pages.