Hello list!

OK, this seems to have been quite an unfortunate start for me:

as CVS allows people to work independently and in the scope they
prefer I saw no reason not to commit my first changes in small
blocks to make sure I solely change what I intented to change, i.e.
I fixed a spelling error in the english page and bumped the
translation-check header in all applicable translations using the fine
smart_change.pl, then committed this small block.
I knew about the debian-www-cvs mailing list but thought this is
acceptable, after all the system is set up for many changes.

Apparently it was not acceptable, and at least one person was / is
seriously annoyed by the amount of similar messages coming in, so I
propose the attached change to devel/website/using_cvs.wml.

Unfortunately things have already happened and as the very same person
has used the term "abuse" please check whether I have violated the
DMUP (I guess "wilful, deliberate, reckless or unlawful act
interfer[ing] with the work of another developer" and "Mail Bombing"
_could_ apply here) or any other document.
If so I agree to suffer the corresponding penalty, hoping that this
small attached change will prevent others from doing as I did. If
write access will be revoked I can just send in patches as I did
before. As most of my automatic and semi-automatic checks have already
been performed I don't expect to send in any huge patches in the
future, so the load for other people when evaluating my patches
probably won't be too high.

Alternatively I could simply learn from the things that have happened
and continue doing some work in a small scope, just as I want to. But
I'll leave this to your decision.

Index: devel/website/using_cvs.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/devel/website/using_cvs.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 using_cvs.wml
--- devel/website/using_cvs.wml 21 Aug 2004 09:38:07 -0000      1.13
+++ devel/website/using_cvs.wml 4 Sep 2004 08:57:28 -0000
@@ -106,6 +106,14 @@
 <p>before you commit it. Note that <code>cvs add</code> is not recursive so
 you need to add a directory before you can add its contents.
+<P>Please take care to combine bigger changes on a variety of files (e.g.
+when fixing a common spelling error) into appropriate logical blocks and
+commit them all at once so the the load for the people subscribed to the
+<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-www-cvs/";>debian-www-cvs mailing
+list</a> doesn't reach unnecessary heights. In case of mass-commits please
+contact the <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-www/";>debian-www
+mailing list</a> before proceeding.
 <P>For more information on CVS, use <code>info cvs</code>.
 <h3><a name="write-access">CVS Write Access</a></h3>

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