* "sophie.le-corre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-04 12:59]:
> Je suis inquiète car depuis hier,je cherche à accéder au site
> "prenoms.com" ou encore "familles.com" et je tombe sur une page de
> votre serveur;j'espère que ces sites existent encore car sinon je
> serais extremmemment déçue!!!svp indiquez moi au plus vite comment
> accéder à ces forums,mes forums préférés!!!

 I am sorry but have to reply in english; I don't speak french. But I
guess you are refering to the default page that pops up at familles.com.
They installed Debian, but the page has no connection other than using
the software to the project. You need to get in contact with the
administrators of those pages; the Debian team does not do that.

 So long,
WARNING: Do not execute!  This call violates patent DE10108564.
wget -O patinfo-`date +"%Y%m%d"`.html http://patinfo.ffii.org/

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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