Hi. I was translating for portuguese and find very, very, very small mistakes. The correction:
*** 4linux.wml 2004-05-27 07:05:00.000000000 -0300 --- 4linux.wml.alt 2004-07-28 02:15:50.000000000 -0300 *************** *** 12,18 **** transfer knowledge to the client using Linux and free software to make our solutions viable, reducing costs and improving technological independence. We want to be recognised by the market as the model ! service provider for free software services Some Testimonials from Corporate Clients --- 12,18 ---- transfer knowledge to the client using Linux and free software to make our solutions viable, reducing costs and improving technological independence. We want to be recognised by the market as the model ! service provider for free software services. Some Testimonials from Corporate Clients *************** *** 85,89 **** Tell us what you need - we will solve your problem with solutions and services using Linux and free software! Contact 4Linux to learn about our service/solution integration method and learn how this methodology ! can help you solve your problem. . </PRE> --- 85,89 ---- Tell us what you need - we will solve your problem with solutions and services using Linux and free software! Contact 4Linux to learn about our service/solution integration method and learn how this methodology ! can help you solve your problem. </PRE>
Thanks. Regards, -- Marcio Roberto Teixeira endereço eletrônico: [EMAIL PROTECTED] chave pública: hkp://wwwkeys.pgp.net http://www.marciotex.pop.com.br/keypub_8709626B.asc página pessoal (em construção): http://www.marciotex.pop.com.br Usuário "tchê" Debian/GNULinux Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil