On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 12:22:19AM +0100, Peter Karlsson wrote:
> been proven over and over again. There will be some collateral damage
> in the process, yes, but on the whole it is a good thing.

<after doing yet more reviews>

And just in case I've not made myself clear, this method is not good enough
for the spanish translation team. _DO_NOT_ remove any translation from the 
spanish/ directory without consulting with either the debian-l10n-spanish 
list or myself. If you insist on removing files under the spanish/ 
directory in an automatic way I'll setup a similar automatic mechanism to 
restore them from the CVS. This is _not_ what I developed 
translation-check for.

Thank you.


PS: I'm sick of wasting time reviewing wml files that were perfectly fine 
before being removed. And the only reason they were removed was because a 
typo was fixed in the english version.

PPS: I find it funny that we instate a removal policy for web translation
content when our users suffer RC bugs in our packages (and other
high-priority bugs) for months and those packages do not get fixed or 

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