* Sebastian Feltel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-29 18:16]:
> browsing debian.org I found that http://www.debian.org/support/
> could be improved by adding links to language-specific support websites 
> to this site.

 Yes, very good idea. I did it for some german pages in the translations
where it made sense (e.g. on the debian-jr pages mainly, but checked
that with SynrG of course), but you are right, it makes sense for quite
a lot pages usually.

 I am not sure if I have written something about that already on this
list, but I _do_ encourage translators to add language specific
informations where it makes sense.  Like, when there are references to
the debian-user mailinglist it definitely makes sense to mention the
language specific list, too.

 This is a request to ALL translation coordinators, please keep that in
mind. I guess I'll be adding that sugguestion to the /devel/website/
pages somewhere....  Suggestions where to put a hint there are
appreciated, of course. :)

> I've prepared the following (incomplete!) table with language-specific 
> support websites:

 Great, thanks!  Such a list can never be complete, of course, and the
links have to be checked by the language teams if they are worth
supporting in that way, though. So if you have never heard of the page
yet check with your fellow language team collegues if the site is one
that is good to support.  Like, I know at least of debianforum.de for
the german part, but don't know about the others and would like to get
some feedback on those and check 'em before they will be added.

> What do you think?

 Great, and thanks for the collection!  It is truly appreciated. I guess
we should add a hint on the english page though that language specific
links are added in the specific page, so people who haven't configured
their browser yet accordingly will get the notice on the english version
of the page.

 So long,
> Unfortunately, an exponential reaches zero only at infinity.
It's only infinite if you're using non-integral numbers, which we are not.
        -- Herbert Xu, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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