On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 05:57:52PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> > Hmm, he is probably reading the Polish translation of the page.
> > The important part of that page is right at the top and
> > says something like "This page is really really outdated" in Polish ;)
> > 
> > Please use the English version of the page which is linked at the
> > top and at the bottom of the Polish version.
> Is there some reason why ancient and badly outdated translations are
> preferred over the untranslated text on the web site? This differs from
> standard translation process with po files, which do not use fuzzy
> strings, ever.

Choosing the language uses the content negotiation
of the web server. There is no such concept as "outdated translations"
in content negotation.

So you have two choices: Either leave the translation online and
add a note that it is outdated or remove it entirely until it is
updated. Currently we use method 1 and translations are only removed
it they aren't updated for a long time (six months). This seldomly
causes problems AFAIK. If it does updating the translation or
removing it shouldn't be a problem.

There might be a third method like renaming outdated files so that
they are not choosen automatically but are still linked from the
other translations.

Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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